"Finding Nirvana is like Locating Silence" Jack Kerouac- Dharma Bums
"Finding Nirvana is like Locating Silence" Jack Kerouac- Dharma Bums
This is a seasonal waterfall measuring 185 feet high. By comparison, Niagara Falls is only 167 feet tall. You can find this little known falls on the Navajo Nation outside of Flagstaff.
Since this waterfall is seasonal and a bit out of the way the best thing to do is check the water flow rate before going. You can do this by going to the US Geological Survey site and checking the gaging stations that are located before the falls and after.
First: Head to : NWIS-Web for the Arizona Water Science Center
Second: Look for Little Colorado River at Winslow, AZ and Little Colorado River at Cameron, AZ. The numbers indicate the cubic feet per second. Most of the year it'll be below 5 but when it is flowing it should be a few hundred or over a thousand on a really good day.